9 research outputs found

    Hilbert-Polya conjecture and Generalized Riemann Hypothesis

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    Extending a classical integral representation of Dirichlet L-functions associated to a non trivial primitive character we define associated functions B(y,z) which are eigenfunction of a Hermitian operator H. The eigenvalues are the imaginary parts of the L-functions zeros. We prove that if s is a non trivial zero of such a Dirichlet L-function with Re(s)<1/2, then: - the associated eigenfunction B(z,y) is square integrable. - the operator H is "Hermitian" for this function: =. We deduce from this (using the idea of Hilbert-Polya and finding a contradiction) the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis: the non trivial zeros of a Dirichlet L-function lie on the critical line Re(s)=1/2. This results correspond to a weak form of the Hilbert-Polya conjecture (as for Re(s)=1/2 the eigenfunctions presented here are not square integrable).Comment: 16 Pages. Article withdraw as function Bs presented is not square integrable as claimed. (Mistake is on one sub-domain considered: function I2 near y=0

    Heterocyclic Rings containing Silicon, Germanium, Tin or Lead

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